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喉元過ぎれば・・・・、にならないように。 I don't wish God forgotten.

Blackout and electricity saving:
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry yesterday called for the electricity saving by about 10% from those in Hokkaido where they experienced the blackout caused by the major earthquake 2 days ago on September 6th and now the electricity supply is restored 99% as of today on September 8th.
One of the concrete saving ways he showed is to plug out the electric appliances not in use in order to stop the standby electricity consumption.
Decades ago, the standby electricity consumption was about 10% out of the whole consumption, but now it should be around 5%.
But the manual electricity saving actions or the awareness about the electricity saving are sure to be forgotten easily in a few months. Then I developed the automatic technology and device to stop the standby electricity consumption some 20 years ago, which won the Grand Energy Saving Prize and was covered by the medias and employed by NTT. 
It was just an old story though.