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2013 まとめ Summary

日 時          スカイプゲスト           トーク 内 容



April 11th

Five members met each other at today's first regular meeting of ESS in Onomichi with two being absent. I am sure the meetings will be enriched gradually. 



予定通りインディアナ州・フォr-トウェイン在住のMD. Sarno をスカイプゲストに迎え、楽しく英語によるトーク、情報交換をして終了しました。お医者さんらしく、食、健康にも話がはずみました。 

April 25th 

The second ESS meeting was finished, as scheduled, with the pleasant talk and information exchange in English together with the MD. Sarno living in Fort Wayne, Indiana on Skype. The conversation crystallised even about foods and health because he is a medical doctor. 




May 9th

With Mr. Dinesh Jain living in Chicago, USA as a Skype guest, the first ESS meeting in Onomichi was successfully finished today on May 9th. The talk with the international businessman was very meaningful and it extended into the possible hosting cities of the next Olympic Games.. 




May 23rd

With Mr. Peter More living in Los Angels, USA as a Skype guest, the second ESS meeting in Onomichi was successfully and pleasantly finished today on May 23th. The talk started 30 minutes earlier than schedule because their son was to fly to the disaster area on Oklahoma to rescue the people there. All of us 5 participants enjoyed information exchanging as well as the talk about his cooperative work with Mr. George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola and his flying all over the USA. 



スカイプゲストとしてのアメリカ・インディアナ州から元外科医のR. Sarnoとの話は日米の緊急医療、保険制度でした。加えて彼から糖尿病予防のための生活方法、発作・麻痺に関する観察の仕方などのアドバイスもいただきました。ケーブルテレビ取材内容は来週放送予定で、次回の彼の登場は8月になるでしょう。


June 13th

It was finished successfully this time as well with all the registered members attended. Mr, Res Sarno, a retired surgeon, as a Skype guest and we talked on the emergency medicare and the insurance system. Furthermore he gave us some pieces of advice on how to prevent diabetes and how to watch the stroke diseases in our daily life. The coverage by OCTV will be on the air next week and the same guest will show up in August. 

The TV coverage is here



新メンバーを迎え、スカイプゲストのDinesh Jain氏(インド・ナグプール出身、アメリカ・イリノイ州・ネイパービル在住)と一緒に無事終了しました。日本に数年住んでいた同氏から日本と日本人の印象をうかがい、良い点を多数指摘いただきましたが日本人としての反省点ももちろんありました。指摘いただいたすべての点がこれからの例会での討論対象テーマになるでしょう。

June 27th

Welcoming a new member, yesterday’s meeting was finished successfully with Mr. Dinesh Jain as a Skype guest (now living in Naperville, Illinois, originally from Nagpur, India). As he was living in Japan for several years, he kindly picked out some good points of ours as well as a few for us Japanese to reflect. All the picked out points can be good topics to talk about from now on.




July 11th

No meeting because of some members participation to the volunteer activity.




July 25th

It was held in a pleasant atmosphere with Mr. Samuel N. Muchiri from Kenya as a guest and a new member. Members asked many questions about music, food, culture and so on in Kenya and Africa and Mr. Muchiri answered each of them. He also showed his experiences and impressions he has had during his 15 year long stay in Japan. Lastly he made explanations to the pictures I took in Nairobi.


スカイプゲストとしてアメリカ・インディアナ州から元外科医のR. Sarnoさんに3回目の登場をお願いしました。彼から健康のための8つの法則をわかりやすく解説いただき、メンバーへの質問と返事をいう形で一時間余りを有意義に過ごしました。

August 8th, 2013

We had Mr, Res Sarno, a retired surgeon, as a Skype guest, for the 3rd time. He showed us 8 princilples that stands for NEWSTART and we enjoyed his questions and our answering to them for about one meaningful hour.


ゲストとしてケニア出身のMr. Samuel Muchiri を再び迎えた今月8月の2回目例会は昨日終了しました。「躍動のアフリカと手を携えて」と題して例会でしたが、ゲストからケニアをきれいな写真で紹介いただき、その後、物質的に豊かになった日本で忘れられた価値観、例えば「辛抱、感謝、協力」などについて話し合いました。
August 22nd 2013
With Mr. Samuel Muchiri from Kenya for the 2nd time, it was finished successfully yesterday. The meeting theme was “Hand in Hand with a More Dynamic Africa”. He introduced his country, Kenya, using beautiful pictures and we all talked about what we have lost in the materially affluent society in Japan, such as patience, thankfulness and cooperation. 
Lastly the one of the members introduced the promotion video on a large scale paper product manufacturing machine in English. 


本日の尾道ESS(無料英会話道場)は予定していたスカイプゲストMr. Peter Moreが急用のため、サンフランシスコのユニオンスクエアを見渡せるホテルの一室から短時間のやりとりになりました。
しかし、この後すぐに常連のスカイプゲスト、Mr. Res Sarnoの登場となり、12時までの約一時間を参加者全員の海外旅行の経験、思い出を紹介したり、質問したりすることで有意義に過ごしました。
September 12, 2013
Today’s originally scheduled meeting finished much shortly than expected because Mr. Peter More, a Skype guest, had an urgent business in San Francisco though he kindly showed up on Skype from a hotel room where the Union Square can be seen. 
But soon after that, Mr. Res Sarno, our regular Skype guest, appeared and we all enjoyed talking with him until 12:00 noon, exchanged the traveling experiences with Q & As by all attending members. 
This meeting today was covered by a magazine reporter and she also joined us in our conversation. In that respect, it was luck and we all thanked for his unexpected appearance on Skype.




September 26, 2013

We had the meeting without the Skype guest for the first time. Then I introduced my overseas business record using the pictures in our homepages in English.

It can be a very good opportunity for brushing up English skills to summarize, introduce our own experience in English , which we would like to continue. 


昨日、10月10日はスカイプゲストにアメリカ在住の外科医Dr. Sarnoを迎えましたが、ネットの接続状態不良のため15分ほど中断を余儀なくされました。

October 10, 2013 

We had a retired surgen, Dr. Sarno living in USA as a Skype guest yesterday on October 10, but the meeting was forced to stop for about 15 minutes due to the unfavorable internet connecting condition. 
The topic at the meeting was “Mother language and English”. Since English has been in daily use together with Tagalog in the Philippines he is from, it seems to be widely accepted just as one of the languages they use, not a special foreign language. This topic of “Mother language and English” continues a few more times.Furthermore, we ESS members recalled an international medical doctor, who used to join this ESS meetings when young and now makes round trips between Belgium and Japan every month. His mother, a member of this ESS, introduced the situation where they can naturally manage some languages besides their mother language.



October 24, 2013

Under the talking theme of Mother language and English, the 2nd Onomichi ESS regular meeting was successfully finished yesterday. 
According to Mr. Peter More, one of our Skype guests, they have 3 education courses in Hong Kong, which are ①Education only in English, ②Education only in Chinese, and ③Education both in English and Chinese. 
He selected No.2 course, succeed in the business field in USA and has not been conscious of the fact that he has two special languages of mother language and English.
What is the reason for Japan not being able to do what Hong Kong can do in spite of the both having the same culture of Chinese character ? 

What course would you select as a Japanese if we have the same kinds of 3 education systems in Japan assuming that Chinese were Japanese in the above mentioned systems? 




November 14, 2013
Trip on a cruise ship in the Aegean Sea:
In the 1st Onomichi ESS regular meeting (on November 14th), one of Onomichi ESS members made her presentation on the cruising trip with her husband last month using many beautiful pictures. They made reservations of 12 night cruising with full board by themselves on the Internet about a year ago and it cost them $2,700 for the two (without the traveling fee between Japan and cruise site). She said the cruising with many nationalities with few Japanese people was very pleasant and meaningful. Their travel story was wonderful to share. 

In the next 2nd Onomichi ESS regular meeting (on November 28th), one of the members who enjoyed staying in Hawaii with his family recently for 2 weeks is to make his presentation. 
Please feel free to join Onomichi ESS regular meetings.




November 28, 2013

Long stay in the privately owned condominium unit at Waikiki, Hawaii:

We could enjoy the pleasant presentaion by one of Onomichi ESS members who stayed in Hawain for a long time with his family as well as last year. Seeing the relaxed living and travelling atmosphere under the different warm place taken in many pictures of them, we may understand why so many people go there. It is good to have a pleasant life and/or to enjoy life, isn't it?    




December 12, 2013

Nice meeting you.

We could enjoy the first talking with an amateur radio operator in Hiro, Hawaii by favor to one of the ESS members (at their local time of 16:00 -).  By the union of the amateur radios and the internet, our voices were tansmitted through the smartphone and his the amateur. The sound quality was good and we could enjoy the pleasant talk.