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非常識のメリット Merit of not having common sense 


省エネ大賞受賞技術開発の軌跡 (47)

2章 誰でもできる発見や発明

2.2常識よ、サヨナラ 非常識のメリット


Trajectory of Energy Conservation Grand Prize-winning Technology Development (47)

Chapter 2 Discoveries and Inventions That Anyone Can Make Merit of not having common sense


添付写真は1996823日、NHK・全国放送・「おはよう日本」での紹介の様子で、放送内容は以下のサイトでご覧ください。 4分)

The attached photo shows the introduction on NHK's nationwide broadcast “Ohayo Nippon” on August 23, 1996, and the content of the broadcast can be seen at the above written website.