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Business hours

9:00 ~ 17:00 (Monday ~ Friday)

例会日 Regular meeting days



本日12日もこの例会が開催されますが、今回の司会は元岡山大学教授でカリフォルニア州出身のI. N. さんで、話題テーマは「ダン・ベトナーへのインタビュー、長生きの秘訣を語るFull interview- Dan Buettner discusses the secrets to living longer」で、以下のサイトに掲載されています。 





The morning meetings of Onomichi Free English Conversation Dojo have been held online at 10:30 on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month.

The morning meetings are attended by native English speakers from overseas.

This morning meeting is to be held today, and the moderator this time is Mr. I. N., a former professor at Okayama University and a native of California, and the topic is "Full interview- Dan Buettner discusses the secrets to living longer." and can be found at 

On the first and third Saturdays of each month, the Onomichi Free English Conversation Dojo holds evening meetings from 7:00 pm.

The evening meetings are face-to-face, so there is a monthly fee of 1,000 yen (1,000 yen in Japanese yen) to cover the cost of meeting rooms and beverages.

Each meeting is hosted by a convenient person who takes it in turns to host the meeting, and the topic is decided in advance and communicated to all members.

The attached photo shows one scene of the July morning meetings