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雨だれ   Raindrops

ちょうど梅雨に入りましたので、今週18日(土)の集いには「雨だれ」(G.C.リンゼイ、1955 – 1943)を(一人)二重奏で演奏する予定です。
多くの人にとっては「雨だれ」というと真っ先に思い浮かべるのはショパンの前奏曲第15番かもしれませんが。 (3 min. 44 sec.)
As we have just entered the rainy season, I will be playing "Raindrops" (G.C. Lindsay, 1955 - 1943) as a one-man-duet for our gathering this Saturday, the 18th.
Before that performance, I have recorded it for the first time in a few months and uploaded it to You Tube site of mine.
This piece is well-known among guitar enthusiasts. It is a beautiful piece of music that describes raindrops falling in drops, like little pearls of glittering raindrops.
This music piece was an insert in the movie version of Shintaro Ishihara's novel "Season of the Sun," starring Hiroyuki Nagato and Yoko Minamida.
For me, it is one of my most memorable pieces, which I started practicing about 50 years ago and played as a soloist at a concert 12 years ago soon after I had re-started playing the guitar.
For many people, though, the first thing that comes to mind when they think of "raindrops" may be Chopin's Prelude No. 15.