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明日の尾道無料英会話道場 Tomorrow’s English learning at Free English Learning Society in Onomichi

スカイプでの海外講師はDr. Ssarnoとオンライン英会話学校からのPieさんの2名で、英語による情報交換、トーク、討論内容のための資料はPeru and Machu Picchu(ペルーとマチュピツ)です。
Practically we have the first learning session tomorrow on February 25th because 3 regular sessions were canceled for some reasons.
The foreign participants on Skype are Dr. Sarno and Ms. Pie an online English teacher. The English material for information exchange, talk and discussion is titled Peru and Machu Picchu. 
Besides that, we will hear a travel story in Cebu Island form one of our members.