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1月の尾道無料英会話道場 Onomichi ESS meetings in January, 2014

例会はこれまでのように第二及び第四木曜日に行われます。明日9日(木)のスカイプのゲストはフォートウェイン在住の元外科医、Res Sarno氏の予定で、日米の年末年始の過ごし方についてのトーク、情報交換になります。お気軽にご参加下さい。
As usual the regular meetings are to be held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays (Japan time). The guest on Skype tomorrow on 9th is Mr. Res Sarno, a retired surgeon, living in Fort Wayne, with whom we are talk about how we spent our holiday season. Please feel free to join us.
The attached picture shows the English learning way using Skype and I have been making a good use of Skype for that purpose since the service started some years ago.