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2023年「全国学力テスト」結果、中3生の英語力  Results of the 2023 National Achievement Test and English Proficiency of 9th graders in Junior High School





Results of the 2023 National Achievement Test and English Proficiency of 9th graders in Junior High School:

The results of the National Achievement Test for Junior High School 3rd graders and 6th graders of primary schools have been released.

24.1% and 12.4% of 3rd graders in the English test, the second time in four years that the test has been administered, respectively, showed low percentages of correct answers in writing and speaking skills, highlighting the challenges facing these students and teachers.

The Ministry of Education's short-term English education reforms have not yielded positive results even for decades. Its irresponsible nature, incompetence, and strange pride are its causes.

The problem can be improved by simply imitating the methods that have been used in many foreign countries to achieve success with bilingual education in the native language and English.