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2020年12月19日 (ESS-E, No. 45)





December 19, 2020 (ESS-E, No. 45)

We had this year's last regular evening meeting with one new member and 3 absentees.

As usual, we all reflected this year with a homemade delicious cake and hot coffee drinks.

We enjoyed members' talking and Q & A sessions though we were forced to have some online meetings.

May we have the usual life style next year as soon as possible!

2020年12月10日 (ESS-M, No. 159)




December 10, 2020 (ESS-M. No. 159)

'Italy's PM Reassures Kids That Santa Won't Be Locked Down' was was the title of the talking and reading material the MC had prepared for the 1st meeting in December at Onomichi Free English Learning Society.

Its content was about the return letter to a child from Italian PM.

We all the participating members enjoyed talking about the good old memories when young.

An Australian lady on Skype was kind enough to show their ‘Aussie Christmas’ at home using some pictures.

The next regular meeting on Dec. 24th is the last one in 2020 so that it is to be ‘Sow and Tell’.

2020年12月05日 (ESS-E, No. 44)






Special coronavirus cash bonus:

This was the topic at the evening session of Onomichi Free English Learning Society the day before yesterday (Saturday, Dec. 5) with 10 members attended and 2 absent.

According to the reference article the MC of the day had prepared, a certain Japanese company has given special coronavirus cash bonus to its employees.

There must be a warm and good relationship between the both.

In Japan the amount of the bonus is decided through labor-management negotiations, but in some Asian countries some members know well paying bonus to their employees is mandatory by law, which may be big burdens for some companies amid the current COVID-19 pandemic.

2020年11月26日 (ESS-M, No. 158)
November 26, 2020 (ESS-M, No. 158)
'My bicultural child is starting to reveal his two face.' was the topic the MC of the day prepared for the regular meeting of Onomichi Free English Learning.
In a more limited sense, it was about how much difficulties children have to be bilingual.
We could listen to some of us the regular members with their own relatives living in foreign countries, with working experiences in foreign countries or having friends who moved into foreign countries.
We could re-realize how difficult it is to be bicultural or bilingual.

2020年11月21日 (ESS-E, No. 43)




November 21, 2020 (ESS-E, No. 43)

'How to Write a Good Email' was today's theme, whose reference article was from Education Tips on VOA.

Not a day or a week passes without sending or receiving emails today.

Comparing the emails of our writing with the article content, we learned good expressions from one of our members who has written or received many emails on business.

2020年11月12日 (ESS-M, No. 157)
Grandparents Caring for and Teaching Grandchildren:
This was today’s talking topic at Onomichi Free English Learning Society.
Most of us must have been taken care of by our grandparents in learning school subjects or in daily life.
We understood how the grandparents in USA have been caring and teaching their grandchildren amid the Covid-19 pandemic and we members exchanged our memories and ideas regarding childcare at home.

2020年11月07日 (ESS-E, No. 42)

November 07, 2020 (ESS-E, No. 43)
Today's topic was 'What is the electoral college?'.
We learned about ‘electoral college’ we heard or watched in the news of the Presidential Election 20202 in USA.
Thanks to the related reference material MC had prepared, we could understand its definition, their roles and the background of this system to some extent.
When the US constitution was being drawn up in 1787, a national popular vote to elect a president was practically impossible. This was because of the size of the country and the difficulty of communication.
I personally watched the Presidential Debate on TV when I was there in USA in 1976 – 1977. It was between Mr. Ford, then the 38th President and Mr. Carter, then Senator, and the latter won the election becoming the 39th President of USA.


In those days, too, one of the controversial issues was the racism regarding the school desegregation of the black and white children.

2020年10月22日 (ESS-M, No. 156)
October 22, 2020 (ESS-M, No. 156)
'Declining bee populations pose threat to global food security and nutrition' was the talking theme.
We had another new online member from Melbourne, Australia today, which made the learning meeting more meaningful.

2020年10月17日 (ESS-E, No. 41)





October 17, 2020 (ESS-E, No. 41)

'Worried by pandemic, unmarried Japanese couples want legal protection' was the topic on October 17 at Onomichi Free English learning society:

We had two new members, one is an American professor (PhD in linguistics, in Kagoshima) on line, the other is a lady working for a shipbuilding company.

The common-law couples feel serious problems under Covid-19 pandemic.

How to cope with the problems depends on generations, countries and others, but the legal change or protection must be needed to avoid their risks.

2020年10月08日 (ESS-M, No. 155)

「ミツバチの減少と食糧危機」を話題に選んでいましたが、参加者7名の What's new? コーナーで医療関係話題で活発な意見交換が行われたために予定のテーマは次回に先送りされました。

October 8, 2020 (ESS-M, No. 155)

'Declining bee population pose threat to global food security and nutrition' was prepared to talk about, but it has been postponed to the next time because of the animated conversation on the medical topics among all the 7 participants in the 'What's new?' corner.

2020年10月03日 (ESS-E, No. 40)

October 3, 2020 (ESS-E, No. 40)
Today's talking topic was ’sustainable seafood', which was prepared by a member who joined us last month.
The necessity of sustainability besides food have been called for in many fields and scenes.
For the seafood sustainability, to make use of the less eaten fish species or to culture fishes are available.
I think that to realize the sustainability under the limited resources, the idea of Life Cycle Assessment is indispensable.

2020年09月24日 (ESS-M, No. 154)






September 24, 2020 (ESS-M No. 154)

Whatif the Amazon rainforest was completely destroyed? 

This talking theme was prepared by a lady member from Mihara, who also emceed the meeting today.

The Amazon rainforest will disappear in about 200 years at the current destruction pace.

The intentional burns for agriculture and forestry will come with a huge price and what are the root causes?

What can we do for our future generations?

2020年09月19日 (ESS-E, No. 39)

Why Imposing Restrictions Can Actually Boost Creativity:
This was a talking theme today.
Phil, an online member, from New Zealand prepared the talking material posted at the following site and emceed the meeting.
I believe creativity is boosted under the conditions of disadvantage, inconvenience, danger or waste as well curiousness to various phenomenon, introducing my own first making of an alarm clock with automatic switching a desk light on function when I was a high school student more than 50 years ago together with 2 more developments.

2020年09月10日 (ESS-M, No. 153)



September 10, 2020 (ESS-M. No. 154)
Today's talking theme for the morning course of Onomichi free English learning society was ‘Coronavirus: Sweat it out at home'.
The MC of the day introduced us Nintendo's game for exercises and some others we can do at home under the coronavirus catastrophe.
As for me, if I am not careful, I have pain in my low back so that I wanted to learn a good one for that.

2020年09月05日 (ESS-E, No. 38)

September 5, 2020 (ESS-E, No. 38)
Misconducts by staffers at convenience stores:
It has been revealed that 5 employees at some Seven-Eleven stores have been collecting the points awarded to customers for making purchases.
This was the talking theme a high school student member chose as a MC for the regular meeting of Onomichi Free English learning society on September 5th (Saturday).


We customers have to be careful since no man-made systems can be perfect.


2020年08月22日 (ESS-E, No. 37)

August 22,2020 (ESS-E, No. 37)
'Kashmir's open-air classes offer stunning solution to lockdown' was the talking topic at the 2nd regular meeting in the evening course of Onomichi Free English learning session.
Whatever reason it may be, there are still many children who can not get good education in the classrooms. We should be grateful for the good educational environment in Japan.
I personally was reminded of 'Classrooms under the blue sky' soon after the World War 2nd (?) in Japan.

2020年08月01日 (ESS-E, No. 36)

Report Urges Halt to Deep-Sea Metal Mining:
This was the talking theme at Free English learning session todday.
Japanese companies are expected to get the mining licenses and start the business because Japan has much less resources.
The reports we used this time is apprehensive of the bad effect.


No members totally approved of the idea of the deep-sea metal mining, saying the technologies to solve the expected problems or the alternative ways were necessary because our modern society needs the resources for our life.

2020年07月23日 (ESS-M, No. 152)

July 23, 2020 (ESS-M, No. 152)
Healthier Eating Reported During Coronavirus:
This was our talking topic yesterday today on July 23 (Marine Day, a notional holiday in the morning course of Free English Learning Society.
A lady researcher at the University of Antwerp in Belgium told Reuters news agency the results showed that 11,000 people in 11 countries were buying less microwaveable food and more fresh fruits and vegetables as well as buying fewer salty or sweet snacks.
There was a big rise in people buying baking necessities like flour.
She noted that some of the improvements in eating are likely to continue. She says this is because in many countries, stay-at-home orders have been in place for more than six weeks – the usual amount of time it takes people to form new behaviors.
Many good lady cooks in this studying group also looked having enjoyed talking about their cooking styles and recipes.

2020年07月18日 (ESS-E, No. 35)







'Coronavirus- Where can I now go on holiday' was the talking topic with 8 members attended including a male New Zealander on line.


As is known, this is a worldwide issue amid corona virus infection so that we learned and shared the BBC news, showing each member’s plan or schedule for the discussion.

I myself would like to use my time to check and master a music related PC application instead of going on a travel. 

2020年07月09日 (ESS-M, No. 151)

July 9, 2020 (ESS-M, No. 151)
Four learning sessions are to be held this month as well, two times for the morning course (2nd and 4th Thursdays) and another two times for the evening course (1st and 3rd Saturdays).
The talking theme of today was how to use the 100,000-yen government cash handouts.
One of the member's family donated his money to a welfare organization.
How will (or did) you use it?

2020年07月04日 (ESS-E, No. 34-2)



'Rare ring of fire solar eclipse to dim Africa, Asia' was the topic chosen by the MC for the evening meeting. 

No members except me observed it on June 21, but we could enjoy talking about the beautiful or impressive sights in the sky they have seen as well as wishes they have in mind  before Star Festival. 

2020年06月25日 (ESS-M, No. 150)




June 25, 2020 (ESS-M, No. 150)

'Singapore Seeks to Increase Local Food Production with Rooftop Farming' was today's talking theme. One of our members who worked in Singapore explained the current situation there and other members living in Japan, whose self sufficiency ratio has been decreasing, expressed their ideas or opinions on food production one by one.

I emceed the meeting today and introduced a nearby  tank farming company of lettuce, the biggest in the East.  

2020年06月20日 (ESS-E, No. 34)

June 20, 2020

The topic chosen for the evening meeting on Saturday, June 20 was about Banksy, a famous but controversial artist Banksy. 

The MC of the day had prepared the following  questions to ask the 9 participating members. 

1 What do you think of Banksy’s murals? 

2 Are there any favorite murals of Banksy’s?  And why (not)? 


3 If you found a mural that might be Banksy’s work in your neighborhood, what would you do?



2020年06月11日 (ESS-M, No. 149)



June 11, 2020 (ESS-M, No. 149)

Today's discussion theme was 'COVID-19 shutdowns are clearing the air, but pollution will return as economies reopen.'

We, 9 participants discussed not only air pollution but water pollution and their causes as well as the plastic wastes.

2020年06月06日 (ESS-E, No. 33)


'Man Builds Motorized Wheelbarrow' was an introduction topic for today’s free English learning session in Onomichi.
We had 8 members in all, 2 of them online, the others 6 in person.

Some members introduced what they would like to do using some extra time of their own if any, which was followed by Q & A in the time left.

2020年05月28日 (ESS-M, No. 148)

取り上げられた話題はBBCのニュースからポールサイモンが彼らのヒット曲「Bridge Over Troubled Water」がコロナウイルスに対峙する病院用の曲として使われ、それを是としたことに関するものです。

May 28, 2020 (ESS-M. No. 148)

The title topic is ‘Coronavirus hospital song wins approval from Paul Simon - BBC News’.

This article is about remaking the hit music of Bridge Over Troubled Water to encourage and thank the medical people coping with Covid-19.

We members talked about similar encouraged stories of ours.
This will be the last online meeting before the usual ones in person in June on.

2020年05月16日 (ESS-E, No. 32)



May 19, 2020 (ESS-E, No. 32)

Amid 'new lifestyle' being urged for long-term fight against Covid-19, we talked about how much or how our life has been changed up to now and what world or life it will be in today's regular meeting. 

From the next month of June on, the meetings in person using on line app. as well  will be held.

2020年05月14日 (ESS-M, No. 147)

ユーチューブやインターネットでの好みのチャンネルやアプリを紹介し合った後で、英語記事「Sun draws many out in U.S. and Europe as coronavirus hot spots emerge elsewhere.」を音読しながらその内容を理解しました。


May 14, 2020 (ESS-M, No. 148)

After introducing our favorite YouTube channels or apps. we read the English article titled Sun draws many out in U.S. and Europe as coronavirus hot spots emerge elsewhere.

Furthermore we talked about how we spend our lives with covid19, which can be good hints for our lives from now on.

2020年05月02日 (ESS-E, No. 31)





May 2, 2020 (ESS-E, No. 31)

At today's meeting we watched two short animations.

After that the following questions were asked by MC and all the members answered them or made some more questions about what the other members spoke out.

What is happiness for you?

Which is bigger fun, journey or destination? 

What would you answer reflecting your life?

2020年04月23日 (ESS-M, No. 146)



April 23, 2020 (ESS-M, No. 146)
Traditional Japanese seal system hampers telework for some.
This was the talking theme at Onomichi Free English Learning Society today.

Besides the problem of the sealing customs, we also talked about the face masks and 100,000 yes cash delivered from Government to cope with Covid-19 crisis. 
It starts at 10:30 using the online video channel to prevent us from being infected by Covid-19.
Please feel free to join us.

2020年04月18日 (ESS-E, No. 30)


Coronavirus: Scientists brand 5G claims 'complete rubbish'



April 18, 2020 (ESS-E, No. 30)

As the article title says the relationships 5G technology between cronavirus transmission or fires are judged groundless by scientists.

Today, we all talked about superstitions or our customs thought to be less scientific at the learning session in English.

2020年04月09日 (ESS-M, No. 145)




April 9, 2020 (ESS-M, No. 146)

'Coronavirus_ How to go for a walk safely, without getting shamed' was today's talking topic. We could understand many ways recommended by researchers not to be misunderstood by others.

We also talked about how much Covid-19 has effected our life and confirmed we should be careful to stay healthy. 

2020年04月04日 (ESS-E, No. 29)



April 4, 2020 (ESS-E, No. 29)
'Top Video Calling Apps in the world' was what we  talked about at Free English learning society in Onomichi on Saturday evening on April 4th.
What do you guess they are for learning, work and social connections amid the social distancing all over the world?
We found out how well many people all over the world are using these apps amid the spread of Covid-19 infection.

Lastly we compared those apps with the ones we members have used up to now.

2020年03月26日 (ESS-M, No. 144)




March 26, 2020 (ESS-M, No.144)

According to today's talking title of Students, Professors Push Back on the Growth of Online Education, the members read the article and understood its merits and demerits.

After that they introduced the online learning programs used up to now, which was followed by Q&A.

All of us joined this meeting using the internet conference system for the 2nd time.

2020年03月21日 (ESS-E, No.27)

and the lyric
Clean Bandit - Symphony (feat. Zara Larsson) [Official Video]

Call it love and devotion
Call it the mom's adoration (foundation)
A special bond of creation, hah
For all the single mums out there
Going through frustration
Clean Bandit, Sean-Da-Paul, Anne-marie, sing, make them hear 
                                                                                        To be continued




March 21, 2020 (ESS-E No.27)

Today's theme was picked up from the above music video regarding single mothers.

It was a difficult to talk about because the single mother problems have many reasons and finer points.

This was the first online meeting using the internet video conference application due to Covid-19.

2020年03月12日 (ESS-M, No. 143)




March 12, 2020 (ESS-M, No.143)

Today's topic was Western Food in Japan.

We had 10 members with one 1st grader and two 3rd graders because of schools being closed due to Covid-19.

After learning how and when the western food came into Japan and was Japanized, the American member who have worked as a professional chef in Europe and USA explained those western food in detail for the other Japanese members.

2020年03月07日 (ESS-E, No.26)ボランティア活動-無料英会話-ひまわ…/尾道ess-無料英会話道場/
Abe to hasten legal preparations for declaring state of emergency over COVID-19 でしたが、資料を読んで理解した上でコロナウイルス感染がメンバーの生活に及ぼしている影響、そしてメンバーが首相になったり首相に進言でできると仮定してしたいことや言いたいことを述べ合いました。
The self-imposed ban on gatherings has been spreading because of Covid-19.
Our prefecture of Hiroshima is now one of the infected areas.
Our learning sessions might be forced to change from the current face-to-face ones to internet meetings for a while.
Every month the learning meetings are held in two courses, the evening course at 19:00 – 20:30 on 1st and 3rd Saturdays and the morning course at 10:30 – 12:00 on 2nd and 4th Thursdays. The meetings with about 10 members in attendance are emceed by all the members by turns with reference materials prepared.
Today’s topic was 'Abe to hasten legal preparations for declaring state of emergency over COVID-19'. After understanding the prepared reference we talked about the influences by COVID-19 breakout. And we showed the ideas or what to say to Premier Abe if each of us  were a Prime Minister or could say something to him. 

2020年02月27日 (ESS-M, No. 142)


February 27, 2020 (ESS-M. No. 142)

Prevent severe cases of pneumonia with proper medical treatment:
Amid the prevailing covid-19 infection the above topic was picked up for today’s free English learning session of Onomichi ESS.
According to my parents, when I was a child I was luckily saved by the newly developed medicine of penicillin.

2020年02月15日 (ESS-E, No.25)




February 15, 2020 (ESS-E, No. 25)

Hot technologies in 2020 was the discussion theme and the related material was from CES 2020 held in Las Vegas in January:
Nine members in attendance (4 in absence) picked the attractive goods or new technologies out of 10 introduced items and explained the reasons why.

Furthermore we checked the possible new products, technologies or services we want to get in the future. 

2020年02月13日 (ESS-M, No. 141)




February 13, 2020 (ESS-M. No. 141)

With 9 members attended 'longer life by plant protein' was the discussion theme today enjoying 2 kinds of chocolates and a cake, one day before Valentine's Day.

Some people need the animal protein. so  the balanced diet must be important at each respective positions.  

2020年02月01日 (ESS-E, No.24)

“Memories from the Great Hanshin Earthquake still resonate 25 years later.”

February 01, 2020 (ESS-E, No.24)
Not a year passes without earthquakes in the world.
The higher possibility of the earthquakes in Tokyo area and on Japan’s Pacific coast is predicted.
The Great Hanshin Earthquake that occurred 25 years ago in Japan was the topic today at the evening session of Onomichi Free English Learning Society with 10 members including 2 new ones attended..
“Memories from the Great Hanshin Earthquake still resonate 25 years later.”
The talking material was prepared by Mr. Kurotobi, a representative of Onomichi Glocal Labo (

2020年01月23日 (ESS-M, No.140)




January 23, 2020 (ESS-M, No.140)
Japan's Setouchi Islands rank 7th in NYT 2019 destinations list:
This was today’s our talking subject at the 140th regular learning session of Onomichi free English learning society.
The material was prepared by Ms. Yamane, who emceed the meeting as well.

All the members in attendance showed where each would like to visit, talking about the dreams.
Our city of Onomichi is located in the middle of Setouchi Islands area.

2020年01月18日 (ESS-E, No.23)


January 18, 2020 (ESS-E, No.23)
We talked about Kagura today at the evening learning session of Onomichi free English learning society together with 2 new members, one who spent a long time in USA and the other a high school student.

It is said many tourists enjoy Kagura, one of the most popular traditional Japanese performances. 
Mr. Matsuura prepared the topic and emceed the meeting.

You could get the information on Kagura in English at

2020年01月09日 (ESS-M, No.139)




January 9, 2020 (ESS-M, No.139)

Its December in Japan when the department stores are packed with year-end gift (お歳暮o-seibo,) shoppers.

At the 2020’s 1st English learning session of Onomichi Free English Learning Society today on January 9th, the members learned those expressions related to this gift-giving culture or custom in English.

Being the 1st meeting today on January 9th, the members showed their new year’s resolutions with a new member attended.

Mr. Kurotobi, a representative of Onomichi Glocal Labo ( prepared the reference material, emceeing the meeting this time.